Have you ever had one of those days when you "just don't feel like" doing whatever it is that you have to do? Maybe you just don't FEEL like cleaning house. You don't FEEL like going to work. You don't FEEL like having to deal with crabby people. You don't FEEL like going to church. Or, you just don't FEEL like smiling and being nice to people.
I was having one of those moments recently when I just wasn't FEELING like anything. Nothing was going may way and I dared someone to press my emotional buttons. But then I encountered someone who I could tell was having the same kind of day, except his was much worse.
In passing him in the hallway, there was a heaviness that permeated through him. I stopped and asked how everything was going to try to start a conversation. He shared how his daughter was set to go through her last round of chemotherapy and while the prognosis was looking good, he had to get a loan to pay for the treatment. As he explained the red tape that was involved in getting her treatment, he shared how his 401-K wouldn't allow him to borrow more money until he paid back a sizeable amount from his daughter's previous chemotherapy treatment. When he shared the amount, a lump settled in my throat. God has blessed me immensely through my business venture and I knew what I needed to do. But I had been preoccupied by having an "I don't FEEL like it" kind of day. That didn't bother God.
2 Corinthians 9:7 says, "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
If we want to be a victorious Christian, we don't get to do what we FEEL like anymore. Victory is not letting your emotions control you. Why do we let our mind and our feelings control our life so much? Romans 12:11 says, "Never be lacking in zeal (enthusiastic diligence, desire), but keep your spiritual fervor (earnestness of feeling), serving the Lord." In other words, stay filled with wonder and astounded by what God is doing in your life.
If you want to increase the power of God on your life, see how many times a day you can give. God is not looking for ability, but for availability.
(Barbie will be away for a while and will return August 10).
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