I Like

I like the sounds of a piano as it drifts out the open door into late afternoon sunlight.

I like bunches of peonies, wild flowers and roses crammed into gorgeous bunches all about a house.

I like the smell of bacon in the morning and I like to share it with people; be they family or the random traveler. Food always taste better when shared.

I like the sound the horses in the wrangle pen make at night, and how it just touches my subconscious as I’m sleeping. I always smile before I drift off again.

I like men who have integrity and women with confidence.

I like the way a dog just knows.

I like the way my saddle feels tucked under my arm when I go to saddle my horse. The upwards swing, the comfortable settling of blankets, wood and leather on my horses back.

I like the way dirt changes colors and smell when you water a garden.

I like the business and energy of a NY city street and the stillness and (different) energy found in the wilderness and mountains. 

I like the gathering of fishing gear the night before and the excitement of heading out to land a big one in the early morning smell and mist.

I like the cold feeling of cotton sheets when you first get into bed at night.

I like sweaters that are too big for me all year round.

I like the sound of my horse playing with the cricket in his bit,
and most of all,

I like being me

with you.