You're the Reason

This morning, the beginning of Easter weekend, dawned with a light rain and that lovely damp smell that comes from early mornings. I love being warm in bed under a pile of blankets with the window open and you can just smell the cold air pouring into the bedroom….that is bliss.

Easter has always been my favorite holiday, and the memories of past Easters come rushing back.

This year feels different. There’s so much hope in our family, Adrian and I are slowly reaching goals that last year we were secretly thinking were impossible.

So I would just like to encourage you as someone who has experienced failure, pain and tragedy first hand, it does get better! It does, please don’t lose hope. Last year at this time I was looking back at the year before and thinking, “I can’t believe how far I’ve come since last year.” I’m doing the same thing today. I’m looking back on the accomplishments, the confidence and telling myself, I never thought we’d make it this far. It’s a great feeling.

Your hopes and dreams are not impossible. I knew that before, but now I know for sure that the darkness does eventually dissipate and you find yourself stronger than you ever imagined.

Do not give up, my friend. You were born to do great things.

xo xo Liz